1. Sooooo story time đŸ˜«đŸ˜­ in 2013, during my form 6 JAVA, I attended GYLC (Global Young Leaders Conference) in Washington & New York. I met a lot of teenagers like myself, eager to liveeee, from all over the world. One friend I made was from Kenya... https://twitter.com/thaisrazark/status/1351976603212013568
2. We recently caught up on IG, and today she told me this 😭 I was almost tearing up that 18 y/o me knew what patriotism meant. Many mistake it for “ignorance is bliss”, pretend our systemic flaws don’t exist and God is a trini so we good. But no, it’s so much more.
3. Patriotism requires a level of awareness of all the good AND the bad of a country. An understanding of how and why we are what we are. But most importantly, the will to do better. The drive to contribute to a society that contributed to you.
4. I have benefited from the systems in place to assist citizens, especially free education and health care. Why would I not want to help develop what helped develop me into who and what I am today? When I say I am patriotic, this is what I mean!
5. I love my country, my people, my culture...but we can do better in every aspect, and one of my life goals is to be a part of the movement forward.

Also, people actually listen to me when I say things 😭đŸ„ș I was so touched by this!
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