I used to think Testing was a very mediocre and underrealized album. But after going back to the album again, i now realize that i was too harsh on it at first. Here's my thread on why you should give Testing one more chance if you didnt like it the first time around.
To give background,Testing released on May 25, 2018 to very negative/mixed reviews, to the point where it actually discouraged him heavily as stated in a Rolling Stone interview he did around the time of his "injured Generation" tour.
Testing is a fairly polarizing rap album, since it once again was another left turn from his previous album At.Long.Last.A$ap, which was heavily LSD sounding and inspired to give it a more trippy and psychedelic sound, which funnily enough was also a detour of his debut project
http://Long.Live .A$ap, in of which ALLA faced a lot of backlash from fans and the like for the heavy detour of sound that it also took from his previous project.
In my humble opinion, i feel like Testing is a kind of grower album. It has very odd production in spots that can turn people off from the project entirely. But, the bold lyricism, strong production, and the STRONG cohesion of the project as a whole will definetly attract you.
Testing starts off with the intro Distorted Records, a very bass heavy song w braggadocios lyricism about his rise to fame and how his competition being nothing to him. Fun punchlines and lyricism are around the entire song and give it a aggressive but fun energy to it
The album starts to delve into more psychedelic production with the A$ap Forever Remix, adding absolutely gorgeous Cudi feature and a triumphant TI narration of the actual meaning of the ASAP name(Always Striving and Prospering). A truly wonderful song top to bottom.
Tony Tone is the next song up on Testing, with a fun rebellious tone to it dismissing any critics of his music, emphasized by the skit in the middle of him telling off a woman for finding his lyricism explicit.

The song comes off as more of a liberating feeling for A$ap, since
His entire career has been plagued by ridicule and criticism for his musical directions his entire carrer, and can be a very strong statement to be able to tell someone to stop listening to constant criticism and do what you feel is best for yourself.
We're then taken for a trippy and almost gorgeous trip of a song with Fukk Sleep, touching on his rise to fame and what it took for him to get there, showing him that it took long days and countless hours of work to get him where hes at now, showing graciousness of his new fame.
The biggest hit off Testing, Praise Da Lord, is a very upbeat and fun song that pays homage to DMX's "Who We Be" flow in the hook, sounding bold, fun and triumphant. Skepta of course marks just another fantastic feature in his catalogue as well.
CALLDROPS makes its very entrancing entrance next up, only backed by echoes of misc. voices with acoustic strumming as well. It serves as an interlude for the album, with a very dreary and depressing verse from Kodak during his incarceration, ending with a chilling "Free Kodak"
Buck Shots, referring to the shotgun rounds, appears next with a very synth heavy sound, accompanied by Carti and Smokey MarGielaa, with them talking about their reckless and dangerous previous lives in NY before their fame. A very strong cut laden with aggressive lyricism,
This song gives a very hallucinogenic energy around it that makes it sound almost like they're reminiscing about their previous lives. A very underrated cut on this project, in my humble opinion.
Next up is the cut Gunz N Butter, which the name was used in correlation with the "Guns vs Butter" economic model, which is government spending on either Guns (military) or Butter (food for lower class citizens). This song touches on his childhood and the hardships he had to
Go through as a child (gunviolence, drugs, poverty, family life with his parents, etc.). It makes a very strong and bold statement on the state of Gun Violence in America and how most people rely on "guns to get the butter later". A very vibe heavy cut with deeper meaning to it.
Brotha Man, is a bittersweet cut, with the song name meaning a good friend, each artist (Frank Ocean, French Montana incl.) all talk about their newfound fame and their lack of need for friends. Featuring a surprisingly strong French verse and a gorgeous Frank feat, this song is
VERY underrated for its almost poetic and bittersweet delivery and lyricism by every feature on the track.
OG Beeper is one of the more off the wall cuts of testing, featuring a beat that can only be described as "very experimental" in its execution, featuring very "kooky" samples and beat switches, further aided by Blocboy JB adlibs that help add personality to the song.
Kids Turned Out Fine makes for a comforting cut, featuring a very trippy and gorgeous guitar sample only backed slight trap flavored percussion, with the song meaning being about how kids will be kids and that their parents shouldn't worry about
any of their actions, because its in human nature for kids to experiment with life and have fun while they enjoy their youth. A melancholic song that oozes with psychedelic energy, this cut definitely shows the artistic strength of Rocky's sound that's used all over Testing.
Hun43rd, a reference to 143rd street in Manhattan, from instrumental to lyricism, feels like a more nostalgic cut that features him talking about a part of his young life growing up on said street. A very melancholic cut on Testing, that i much so adore off of here.
Changes features what is, in my humble opinion, Rocky's most poetic writing in a long time. Wondering where he went wrong in his previous relationships, he proceeds to tell his thoughts on them.

This one is better heard than explained. This song is just an artistic masterpiece.
Black Tux White Collar is a much more politically charged cut on this project, with him talking about racial injustices in the prison and police system, which then ends with him admitting to fighting negative thoughts inside of his head.
And to wrap the album up, Purity. A phenomenal track with downright gorgeous sampling of Lauryn Hill and very dreary and introspective verses from both Frank and Rocky themselves about their families. Amazing performances from both artists.
overall, my mind has change drastically from 2018-today about Testing. It definetly feels like an album that has such a bold and strong concept, with very psychedelic and trippy production, and strong lyricism and writing in general, this album truly is one of the sleepers of
2018, and deserves more recognition for how ahead of its time it truly was. it never deserved the harsh ridicule critics, fans, etc. gave it. Testing for sure isnt an album that everyone will appreciate, but if you try to give it a fair chance, you'll find a truly gorgeous
album that has a lot to say about society, growing up, black culture, how society looks down on black people and other POC, understanding family and much more concepts.

This album only gets better and with due time will truly be loved and appreciated for being
one of the more standout hits of 2018.

Please Let me know what you guys think of this thread. RTs and likes are much so appreciated, and thank you for taking the time to read this.
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