Thousands of union workers are being fired "as we speak" because Biden has killed KXL, Kenney says. Says the new administration didn't even talk to us first... that's not how you treat a friend and ally, he says. #ableg #cdnpoli
Kenney says now the US will have to get its oil from a bunch of countries that don't share our commitments to ESGs and lowering emissions. Here's how much the US import, btw #ableg #cdnpoli #cdnecon
Kenney says TC Energy has brought First Nations on both sides of the Can-US border as equity partners in KXL. That's not true. He said that the other day, but here's what TC told us when we asked about American partners #ableg #cdnpoli #cdnecon
Oh and here's more info on US oil imports, btw. Canada is indeed *hugely* represented here. This table is from the US Energy Information Administration #ableg #cdnpoli #cdnecon
Kenney says he doesn't regret making the decision to invest $1b+ of Alberta taxpayer funds in the Keystone XL pipeline. This was to "take control of our own economic destiny," he says. Adds the UCP made a promise to get pipelines built #ableg #cdnpoli #cdnecon
Kenney asked what kind of sanctions he'd like the feds to slap on the US about the decision to cancel the permit for Keystone. There are a range of options, he says, but "a response is called for" or it "invites similar decisions in the future" #ableg #cdnpoli #cdnecon
If there's no pushback from the Canadian government here, this will embolden those mean foreigners who want to landlock Alberta energy, Kenney says (that is a paraphrase) #ableg #cdnpoli #cdnecon
Kenney says the Canadian gvt imposed sanctions when the US brought in aluminium tariffs, and that's a MUCH smaller sector than oil. #ableg #cdnpoli #cdnecon
Kenney says he still respects Biden, despite his very rude and disrespectful decision to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline permit #ableg #cdnpoli #cdnecon
Kenney says he's hearing out of Ottawa that we should accept this decision and move forward, and that they're just disappointed... and that's not consistent with how they stood up for aluminium workers or what they told him. #cdnpoli #ableg #cdnecon
Kenney asked if he'd consider concessions (eg withdrawing suit against carbon tax) to placate Biden admin if it'd help? Not that specifically, but says Can energy sector is working to reduce emissions and AB has found common ground with feds on climate stuff #ableg #cdnpoli
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