People really, really don't understand that all clothing is handmade, and those who do it are in a literally ancient, wildly skilled occupation that we all rely on. Clothing is too cheap! It just is!
As someone who has been sewing clothes all my life, I promise you that it is much, much, much harder than it appears to sew a neat straight seam, let alone pattern, cut, piece, and tailor a finished garment. Even a tee shirt. My non-knit, unfitted boxy tees take 2-3 hours alone.
Someday I'll write a piece on this (again) but for now I will just yell about it once a month on twitter dot com
god remember when my job was to go to museum fashion exhibitions and write about the importance of clothes as material expressions of our communities. i miss her. sweet 25-year-old living the dream.
Ok genuinely curious: Did you know that someone sewed every piece of clothing you’re wearing with their actual human hands?
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