1. I often say that capitalism in decay produces a sea of nihilism with islands of hedonism. The rampant alienation gives rise to this type of culture, and the ruling class isn't necessarily against it because it beats revolutionary organizing.
2. Just think about how much the mainstream culture in the US is hypersexualized, and to what extent drugs are glorified by celebrities.
3. Postmodernism tells us that there's no objective truth, and that nothing really matters. We're encouraged to seek happiness not from building and improving society as members of a collective, but by seeking cheap shots of dopamine as individuals.
4. Conservative liberals dislike liberals who engage in the culture outlined above, because they don't like to be reminded of the fact that their country is in decay. They hate the symptoms, but without proper political guidance, they'll point fingers at everything but capitalism
5. They want to return to the past when things weren't in decay, but the problem is capitalism inevitably leads to social decay as contradictions intensify. A return to the "good old days" leads us right back to where we are today.
6. Meanwhile, the liberal liberals do not appreciate it when people criticize their culture of nihilism and hedonism, because we ruin their escapism. At the end of the day, these two trends are two sides of the same liberal coin.
7. This is why the west, especially the US, as it is today is so cursed. There exists a false dichotomy of utter decadence and extreme puritanism.
8. If you're against pornography, for example, it must be because you're an Evangelical prude, and not because you're against the perpetuation of patriarchal ideas and the further objectification, exploitation, and oppression of women.
9. As communists, we need to be aware of why the various trends in the superstructure exist, and liberate ourselves from that sort of rigid and inflexible thinking.
10. While statues of oppressors are pulled down, they need to be replaced with something else that people can identify with. When East Germany denazified, street names of Nazis were replaced with street names of German communist heroes.
11. Why is this important? If we leave behind a void, then the knee-jerk reaction by many people would be a return to the past before the void was created. People take comfort in belonging to a collective culture.
12. In fact, it's because the west fails at making people feel like they belong to a collective culture that subcultures are such a big deal.
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