Some thoughts on MAGA/Qs melting down today and whether we should feel sorry for them:
As the saying goes, you can't con an honest person.
Most people didn't believe the lies MAGA/Q did. Why?
We're not necessarily smarter or more impervious to gullibility or wishful thinking.
No, we didn't believe those lies because we don't carry the hate they do.
These people would kill me for who I am as soon as look at me. And quite likely you, too.
Yes, they were deceived--because they sought out deception.
Consider what they would do if given a chance.
We glimpsed it on 1/6. That's a preview of what they want to do if ever given a longer leash.
And I am supposed to feel sorry for them because they were lied to?
Their pain is very real. And I believe it's necessary.
Either it will harden their hearts permanently, enabling those who know them to walk away more freely, or it will shock the senses of these sorrowful believers so greatly they recant and abandon their cult.
They ignored their conscience and embraced a man of lawlessness. They chose, often, their false messiah over their own flesh and blood. They despise this country and what it's trying, in fits and starts, to become.
Sorry for them? No.
I hope they suffer enough to be sane.
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