My review of the vaccine process as a blind person in a thread. In summary, it was fantastic.. @NHSEnglandLDN
So, I was vaccinated at a nearby GP practice, which I knew the location of. As soon as I got close, there were volunteers to help, they guided me to the queue, and stayed nearby as I progressed through it.
When I got to the front of the queue, a practice nurse, introduced herself, and explained that she would stay with me throughout the process. She guided me to a chair, and completed the registration form for me. Unfortunately there are no accessibility options around this.
Within minutes of completing the form, I was up again, and again guided through to the vaccination room, where I was assisted towards a very comfortable chair. A doctor introduce them self, and take me through some identity verification processes to confirm who I was.
The doctor then qualified that I was consenting to take the vaccine, that I understood the questions I had been asked in the form. I pulled up my right sleeve, I was given a warning as to when he was going to insert the needle, a second later, it was done.
Very exciting, next I got my sticker, a card detailing the vaccine I had received, and was told to expect my follow-up appointment in the next 12 weeks to get my second dose of the vaccine. With that, I was then guided through to an observation room.
In the observation room, there were volunteers asking whether you felt okay, I can only describe the mood in the room as jubilant. Honestly. It was really something. Incredibly positive energy, all around.
After 15 minutes, I felt good, and was guided back out of the building. Honestly, it could not have been better. I was nervous, but from moment one, they took such good care of me. They have got this down.
So my message to anyone, worried about the process, you don’t need to be. I felt safe throughout the experience. When you get your chance to be vaccinated, please take it. #Vaccination #NHS #ThankYouNHS
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