If you are feeling as if you've won, that you can relax:

Remember that for 4 years your standards were ruthlessly smashed straight into the earth's core by a fascist puddle of dogshit.
You know how chronically ill people can go through their days with a level of pain that'd debilitate an abled person?

How pain scales aren't designed for people who experience chronic pain?
Right now, you are acclimated to a level of suffering that literally *every other developed nation* is horrified by.
They are horrified by it, and utterly amazed that you are able to do stuff in that condition.
You, right now, exhaling in relief, sharing "fixed" this is fine dog memes, are experiencing a drop in pain that'd be imperceptible if suddenly inflicted on someone else.

It's still agonizing, still debilitating.
"Ah, my pain went from a 3 to a 2. It's a good day."

Meanwhile anyone else experiencing that would be curled up puking in the bathtub.
In other words: you've normalized that rock bottom standard. You've acclimated.

You perceive that imperceptible drop in pain as blessed relief.
Before you sigh and start giddily posting about being able to exhale, being able to go to brunch, etc, consider that you are still walking around in what anyone else would perceive as horrific.
Anyone with chronic pain can tell you: your good day would be torture for someone else.
If you feel you can now relax for the next 4 years, you're grossly underestimating just how much you've acclimated.
You will view as minor aches what, 4 years ago, would have left you bedridden and puking for days.
Your perception has been deformed. Your sense of normalcy is warped.

It will take *years* to be able to accurately perceive things. Decades.
Basically: that sense of relief, that feeling that things are back to normal, is based on you having acclimated to what anyone else would experience as debilitating existential dread.
Biden will *never* be judged on the same standard as if the last 4 years never happened.

His most milquetoast mediocrity, his adherence to the most basic of norms, will be viewed with awe.
His bare minimum will be seen in comparison to the walking sack of dogshit who just left.
In other words: it is more important than ever *not* to feel relief, not to sigh with contentment that things are normal. Not to celebrate an imperceptible nudge from that rock bottom standard.
The goals he sets, will be viewed from the perspective of people who acclimated as normal a festering lump of dogshit.

Any goal that seems impossibly audacious for him, is almost certainly *nowhere near audacious enough*
Rather than sit back and relax, it's more important than ever to relentlessly raise the bar, as fast and mercilessly as possible.
The bar is, right now, inside a septic tank.

Goals that seem just barely possible, or ludicrously audacious, are in fact solved problems for most of the world.

It is *insane* to be sitting there in a septic tank, wondering if climbing up one rung on the ladder is impossible.
Basically: fuck that sigh of relief. It's delusional and is literally going to kill people.
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