Really enjoying all the "Patriot Party" talk, especially the part where they're talking about 70 million people joining it.

Good luck with that. At the national level, GOP is a three-headed beast, and that new party really only speaks to one of those ugly-ass heads.

The beasts:
1 - Rich and amoral, with a side of "F the lazy poors". Tax cuts and benefits for big businesses and the rich are enough to ignore the atrocities.

This was the R base, and Reagan used it heavily to promote his racist agenda against the poor. Bushes centered coalitions here.
2 - Single-issue crusaders (abortion). The judges at all levels of the judiciary are enough for them to ignore the atrocities.

This is the home of many Catholics, who are also anti-death penalty, & when asked on other issues tend to be in favor of social justice and D policies.
3 - Deplorables, white nationalists, evangelicals.

They want the atrocities. They believe in family separation and that urban PoC aren't "Real Americans"

"Gays, God and Guns", "Trump is hurting the wrong people", "Don't Tread on Me", "F your feelings", "F your mask, you pussy"
Those deplorables are the majority of the current Republican base, but they're the only one that wants this new party. They'll rally behind Trump or Hawley or Tom Cotton, who will pander to them relentlessly.
But the rich folks in #1? They fund the party, and most of them aren't going to budge. Watch as the Sedition Caucus donations dry up. Many Lincoln Project supporters and profit-driven CEOs will go back to being pure Republican tools again, because they're from this group.
The anti-abortion folks who aren't already in the deplorables camp (so, no longer single-issue) are likely to see the humanity of a Biden administration, and are often (quietly) in the science/health care industry. Some of them will never vote R again, because of the covid fiasco
Most will go back to voting for a candidate strictly because they are anti-choice, but there's going to be no shortage of those in whatever mainstream GOP remains.

These voters play a big part of the American Center-Right, and the last four years have shifted them to the center.
So, that leaves the open racists, the folks who want to live in an evangelical theocracy (American Taliban, basically -- usually also openly racist), incels, trolls, police, and the bitter (often racist) white women over 35 who resent everyone else because of their own choices.
That does represent a HUGE part of America, but it's closer to 40 million, which is a long way from a majority.

In a hypothetical 3-way race: Biden, Romney, Hawley, You'd see 60% of votes to Biden, and probably a 25%/15% split to the other two (though, who knows which way?).
A new alt-right party, whatever its name, will decimate the existing GOP, but barely dent the democrats. (Though an actual leftist DSA/Green party would do the same for the Ds -- just ask Al Gore).
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