Most MLB Team Wins Under Each President:

Trump: Dodgers (345)
Obama: Yankees (730)
W Bush: Yankees (775)
Clinton: Braves (763)
HW Bush: Athletics (382)
Reagan: Tigers (696)
Carter: Yankees (392)
Ford: Reds (240)
Nixon: Orioles (552)
Johnson: Giants (457)
Kennedy: Yankees (309)
Eisenhower: Yankees (761)
Truman: Yankees (747)
FDR: Yankees (1156)
Hoover: Athletics (407)
Coolidge: Yankees (498)
Harding: Yankees (252)
Wilson: Giants (682)
Taft: Cubs (391)
Roosevelt: Pirates (674)
McKinley: Beaneaters/Braves (417)
Cleveland: Orioles (325)
Harrison: Beaneaters/Braves (348)
Cleveland: Browns/Cardinals (359)
Arthur: Grays (189)
Garfield: White Stockings/Cubs (51)
Hayes: Red Stockings/Braves (177)
Grant: Red Stockings (225)
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