I'm going to break out some stuff from Soviet Psychopolitics. This is relative to today. Surely, more than just the Soviets have used these techniques, by now. The booklet is deteriorating, and I don't know where I can get another. Grandma gave it to me.
Ok, here's a bit:

The first thing to be degraded in any nation, is the state of man, himself. Nations, which have high ethical tone, are difficult to conquer. Their loyalties are hard to shake, their allegiance to their leaders is fanatical, and what they usually call their -
- spiritual integrity, cannot be violated by duress. It is not efficient to attack a nation, which has such a frame of mind. It is the basic purpose of Psychopolitics, to reduce that state of mind, to the point where it can be ordered, and enslaved.
Thus, the first target is man, himself. He must be degraded from a spiritual being, to animalistic reaction pattern. He must think of himself as an animal, capable of only animalistic reactions.
He must no longer think of himself, or of his fellows, as capable of spiritual endurance, or nobility.
The best approach toward degradation, in its first stages, is the propaganda of "scientific approach" to man.
Man must be consistently demonstrated to be a mechanism, without individuality, and it must be "educated" into a populace under attack, that man's individualistic reactions are the product of mental derangement.
The populace must be brought into the belief, that every individual who rebels within it, in any way, shape, or form against the efforts, and activities, to enslave the whole, must be considered to be a deranged person, whose eccentricities are neurotic, or insane -
- and who must have at once, the treatment of a psychopolitician.
An optimum condition, in such a program of degradation, would address itself to the military forces of the nation, and bring them rapidly away from any other belief, than that the disobedient one must be subjected-
- to "mental treatment." An enslavement of a population can fail, only if these rebellious individuals are left to exert their individual influences upon their fellow citizens, sparking them into rebellion, calling into account nobilities, and freedoms.
Unless these restless individuals are stamped out, and given into the hands of psychopolitical operatives early in the conquest, there will be nothing but trouble, as the conquest continues.
The officials of the government, students, readers, partakers of entertainment, must all be indoctrinated, by whatever means, into the complete belief, that the natural leaders are suffering from environmental maladjustments, which can only be healed, by recourse to -
- psychopolitical operatives, in the guise of mental healers. By thus degrading the general belief in the status of man, it is relatively simple, with co-operation from the economic salients being driven into the country, to drive citizens apart, one from another, to bring about-
- a question of the wisdom of their own government, and to cause them to actively beg for enslavement.
The educational programs of Psychopolitics must, at every hand, seek out the levels of youth, who will become the leaders in the country's future, and educate them into the belief of the animalistic nature of man.
This must be made fashionable. They must be taught to frown upon ideas, upon individual behavior. They must be taught, above all things, that the salvation of man is to be found, only by his adjusting thoroughly to this environment.
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