I don't feel the need to defend China or any other deeply capitalist, genocidal regime in the name of preventing a "New Cold War" or out of fear that the US is going to try and annex or attack it. That's not going to happen, and it's one of the most powerful regimes on the planet
It's an expansionist state with a bunch of imperialist ideas in its early stages, and it doesn't need to be handled with kid gloves. It can survive on its own. It's incredibly, phenomenally destructive to a number of populations, and the least we can do is be honest about it.
I understand that some of the people who are facing Chinese imperialism aren't particularly concerned about it, and frankly that makes no difference to me in the face of the overwhelming testimonies of terrified people and, you know, my own basic material analyses
And it makes me wildly uncomfortable when people tell me that it's irresponsible to refer to a state's expansionist and genocidal policies as fascist in nature, or to demand some sort of intervention in the face of genocide. Not that the imperial core actually gives a shit.
This isn't a subtweet. It's just something that's been on my mind lately
Anyway, support Uyghurs. Don't place blind faith in the Pompeo types, they're full of garbage and they're more than happy to sponsor genocide and destruction anywhere else https://uhrp.org/what-you-can-do 
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