What would a competitive GOP look like in the post drumpf era? A Thread for political dissidents.
Seeing as America is a two party state , the only option for a third party is to demand concessions from the uniparty. This is what ukip achieved and then faded to irrelevance. A party with a single unifying political goal is easy to market and hard to attack.
However beyond that a two party system in American government is vastly superior to that of a multi party system where runoffs occur and deny people their true vote.
The GOP is the only choice. It is in a weak state with no leaders and joining politics right now would likely be a good idea unless you ever said something bad online connected to your name.
A GOP of the future is one that focuses inward completely. Bringing the war machine home and streamlining our defense industry for speed of production instead of pure tech superiority and cost.
Example being instead of fielding an expensive and complex weapon system like the A10 it would be replaced by light weight turboprop aircraft like the super tucano
Other than that our military would resemble that of pre world war 2. We would have a surplus of older gear but a manufacturing sector so large all it would require is a flip of the switch to enter wartime production and pump out aircraft and tanks by the thousands.
But this would require a manufacturing sector which we do not have. The United States does not produce anything and is very dependent on outside sources. For example there is a car shortage right now because of semi conductors needed in the computers
A Future GOP needs to be made in America turned to 11. We need to be able to procure and produce most things in this country without imports or as little imports as possible. Which brings to our next important thing
The industrialization of space. A single asteroid contains millions of pounds of rare platinum group metals. And they are simply just sitting there waiting to be taken. Right now the United States is positioned with Elon to break out into space and rapidly develop it.
However this will require young people who love this to be involved in politics and understand its importance to the plan. America cannot win or stay dominant without rapid development of space. China will dominate earth. They already won this war. We need to adapt
In addition the manufacturing we must stare the obvious. The age of immigration is over and the age of planned births is here. Immigration hurts the nations social fabric and imports things we cannot control like ethnic tensions and religious lunacy.
The new GOP must be ready to verbally assault anybody who even utters the words “nation of immigrants” and brutally throw them out of the party using direct action politics and harassment. No tolerance for 3rd world Americanism
However we must also think like the Chinese. Every once in awhile a genius will appear and the country must capture them for our own benefit. Not “best and brightest” but geniuses. Take them all. This does not mean importing everyone with a doctorate
The GOP must also be directly engaged with diplomacy south of our border. Not overseas. Israel can handle itself so philosemites must be Locked out of the party but done tastefully. Israel has everything they need to secure their defense and future
We have to stabilize south and Central America. The cartels have to be destroyed and we have the technology to do it now. Once this occurs these nations with begin to heal and rebound economically. See Mexico City in the 60s.
The new GOP must be ready to rip itself from the United States education system and its institutions as they have become captured and defended. Homeschooling should be pushed the same as gun ownership is. Online colleges created to filter shit professors.
However this does not solve America’s deteriorating social distancing that has occurred after the creation of the internet. Human interaction needs to come back and the GOP needs to be ready with radical approaches to this
The first of which is a ban on social media and “dating/hookup” apps. Social media should only be available in read and comment only to consumers and for companies and businesses to use to advertise their products and services.
This will have a tremendous effect on the social fabric of the country. In addition health needs to become a central figure of the GOPs thought process. Both physical and mental.
The first thing 2021 gop should to is fight transgenderism before it’s too late. Ban on over the counter hormones. And ban on legitimacy of transition therapy.
For physical health Americans should be rewarded with tax breaks and other benefits for how physically fit they are. Gym memberships should be free for the obese. Summer camps mandatory for kids to keep active. Suppression of video games
These are just a handful of concepts that can lead a GOP to a rebirth and renewal. Feel free to share this 2021 manifesto
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