I gotten ~6k new followers in the last 48 hours, so let me tell you the most important thing as you spend time in crypto.

Don’t trust *anyone* who promotes Ripple, Tron, Cardano, EOS, Dash, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin SV, Stellar, Nem, NEO, or IOTA.

Immediate disqualification.
Even if the person promotes one of these projects in good faith, failing to understand that these projects are not worthwhile means you simply cannot trust them on any other of their calls.
These projects have excellent marketing to attract people just entering crypto. Don’t engage w them. Just ignore them and move on.
Crypto newcomers will demand an explanation about why experts are telling them to avoid a project. Most experts won’t have that conversation any more.

That doesn’t mean you should think the experts are missing something or we haven’t heard the most recent news.
We’ve been having these conversations and warning people away from bad projects for the last decade and we’re tired of repeating ourselves. There is plenty of existing information online to explain why these projects should be avoided. No, we’re not going to point you to them.
But despite the scare message, crypto is a really fun and welcoming place! Amazing new projects are being started every day and people are very happy to help others get new projects off the ground.
If you’re new to crypto, I’d recommend spending most of your time studying Ethereum, DeFi (decentralized finance), NFTs (non-fungible tokens), and cross-chain solutions.
We’re seeing every aspect of our digital lives slowly (or quickly!) shift to the blockchain whether it’s money, financial products, computing, artwork, gaming, and so much more!
You can follow @tbr90.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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