Conservative focus: (1/5)

Legacy: Rapid economic growth and a return to the debate about reforming entitlements.

Reform: New conservative solutions to new challenges like China, inequality, technology, financialization, which may mean a different role for government.
Policy agenda: (2/5)

Legacy: First, free trade. Second, geographic mobility. Americans have to be willing to get up and move.

Reform: Investment, labor, education. Policies should make the economy work for for people, not demand that people up and change for the economy.
Conservatism vs. populism: (3/5)

Legacy: Populism celebrates the instant desires of large numbers of people, isn't conservative.

Reform: Populism also means taking seriously people's concerns and respecting their sentiments and traditions, which is fundamentally conservative.
Working class vs. establishment: (4/5)

Legacy: Cognitive stratification of modern society is inevitable. We must not discover yet another entitlement, to preserve a way of life.

Reform: The establishment must try harder to narrow and bridge social gaps.
Future leaders: (5/5)

Legacy: @BenSasse, who has a history PhD, though agenda TBD.

Reform: @marcorubio, @SenTomCotton, @RepAGonzalez. People rethinking economic policy and showing the way toward a multi-ethnic, working-class conservatism.
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