I will be at this protest tonight alongside @samjwoody379 and @lydia_morrell for the Daily.

Keep an eye out for updates.
Crowd is warming up right now. A speaker said the protest will start with some chants, then speakers, then a march.
Heres what turnout is looking like right now in 37 degree weather.
Autumn Lake with Antiwar Committee: "while were as relieved as anybody to see trump leave, our own experience with the Democratic party says we can't just take it easy for the next 4 yrs."
I like this chant: "Hey Joe, dontcha know/ US wars have got to go."
Khalyma Robinson, UMN Students for a Democratic Society: The people in power dont care about us. "We're here to take back our power." Calls for charges to be dropped for the 646 arrested on I-94.
Rissa (sp?), from Native Lives Matter: Our fight for justice doesnt stop. "Moving forward, we must continue in solidarity" with all POC. Genocide and colonialism "wont end now that trump is out office."

Ended with: "Fuck Biden too."
Jaylani Hussein, of CAIR, fired up the crowd: "it is time we demand justice by any means necessary."
Started marching a few mins ago.
Pic from above
Aaand we're at the ruined Third Precinct bldg.

That "Fuck Donald Trump" song is blasting from the van, marchers are chanting back, "Fuck Biden, too."
A quick tour of Lake/Minnehaha. Target is fine (ofc), rip autozone, and a couple murals.
Monique is the last speaker and is talking now. https://twitter.com/samjwoody379/status/1352050044665528322?s=19
"We need to tell the history of America and we need to reconcile it," need reparations for Indigenous peoples and African Americans. "America has given a lot of ppl a hard road to tow."
(Cont.) "We have to continue to remember to stand on the neck of this system ... we deserve all of the benefits that America has to offer ... justice for all does mean justice for all."
Marching back to where we started.
. @samjwoody379, @lydia_morrell and I are leaving now! Heres another pic from a few minutes ago.
You can follow @JDugganMN.
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