How to Make Friends on Twitter (even if you don't know anyone) 👇👇👇
1/ Be interested in others and others will get interested in you. If you ask me about my work, I'm naturally inclined to ask you about yours.

That's how conversations start. That's how friendships begin.
2/ Be interesting. It makes others curious about you. It also gives them a reason to ask you questions and start a new conversation.

Go do more interesting things and share them openly, and you'll automatically attract the attention of people who want to know you better.
3/ Give others feedback when they least expect it. Help them improve. Don't ask for their permission.

Surprise them with what you think about their tweet, their article, or anything else. They'll appreciate you and will start seeing you as someone who cares. You know, a friend.
4/ Found someone interesting who you want to be friends with?

Tell them you find them cool and straight-up ask if they want to be friends. You'd be surprised by the number of people who'll say yes.
5/ Use the power of DMs to reach out to people you admire. Since most users have their DMs open, you don't even need them to follow you.

Do not be intimidated by their follower count. Be the first to say hi. The worst that could happen? You don't get a reply. Big deal. Move on.
6/ Make a list of people you appreciate and give them a shoutout. Let Twitter know that you admire them and their work.

Do it a couple of times and you'll not only grab their attention but also probably turn them into a friend. Who knew it'd be that easy?
7/ When people follow you, they've already shown interest in you or your content. Big green flag!

DM every follower you find interesting (no auto-DMs please). Be genuinely interested in their life, their work, their dog, etc.

Just talk, and become friends. It's not hard.
8/ Share and celebrate success with people. It could yours. It could be theirs. It could be big. It could be tiny.

Doesn't matter what it is, congratulate others on their success and share yours at every opportunity you get. It's the easiest way to bond and make friends.
9/ If you’re already chatting with someone, then let them know you care. Show real concern and share positive vibes whenever you get a chance.

Be there for them, and they’ll be there for you. After all, that’s what friendship is all about, right?
If you enjoyed this thread, you should follow me. I tweet cool marketing/business related content every day. And I *love* making new friends :)
You can follow @mkhundmiri.
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