Well, we have a new POTUS. The previous one has not declared his candidacy nor has he filed documents to that effect - so I'm free to offer my personal opinion without being on the wrong side of the UCMJ (and having no implied endorsement by DoD/Army).
Mr. Trump was the most destructive president of my lifetime. The norms he shattered sullied the office and his departure should have been sooner. His enablers should be remembered and shunned. Don't let the memory of their attack on our Nation fade. Remember it on election day.
While this may not be apolitical, it certainly is nonpartisan. Trumpism should be a term that defines an era that ended today and not something that will endure. Republicans and Democrats *MUST* find a way to come back to the center. Turn off talk radio and partisan programming.
Regular people need to get involved in the political process, and they MUST BE HEARD. Not just the angriest and the loudest - and certainly not the most wealthy. Everyone needs to take part in the process because we all have skin in the game.
We need more farmers in office - veterans - small business owners - college professors. We need term limits to end the reign of the permanent political class. Fresh blood - fresh ideas - limited time to accomplish their goals. Make it about the NATION, not about ourselves.
Maybe I'll pursue something like this someday, maybe not - but I do know we need to change how things are run. This country is too important to let it run off the rails. It still is a shining city to the rest of the world. It still should be THE example. It CAN be that way still.
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