What if the answer to division wasn't unity? It's like my kids wanting soda to quench their thirst. It tastes good but you're still thirsty. What if the solution to division was justice? And unity flowed as a byproduct of that? Unity can be the end game, justice is the means.
Our aim then be to establish justice rather than the false assurance/comfort of a call for national unity.
I suppose healing could also be a goal, but again I would posit that healing as an end game requires repair as a means. And true repair in the USA requires justice.
So then the organizing question becomes "What does justice require?"
And don't be surprised then that for those whom the burdens of injustice have fallen heavily and disproportionately on withhold some allegiance to the nation and instead invest more in cultivating solidarity and mutual aid within their community, simply as a matter of survival.
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