If you've got a loved one who's fallen under the spell of Qanon, the next few days could be a crucial window to reach out to them. Their whole world is collapsing around them. They need help & support not mockery & derision. Try to show them a way out of this madness. https://twitter.com/Shayan86/status/1351940246641012737
Right now, not only is the whole Q delusion falling apart in front of their eyes. They're utterly lost as their belief system has shattered. This thread by @dannagal is a tremendous resource for loved ones of Qanon victims https://twitter.com/artimusfoul/status/1348601810358038529?s=20
But *much* more importantly their network is currently *badly* disrupted. Qanon resembles a cult more than anything else, & right now these cult members are free from the positive reinforcement & love bombing they got from places like Facebook groups. https://twitter.com/QWatch_org/status/1349783731683393539?s=20
Chris is actually 100% correct here. Qanon and other conspiracy theories aren't factually based they're a belief system. And you can't win an argument about beliefs with a bunch of facts it doesn't work. Its *emotionally* and you need to appeal to them personally.
And when/if you do reach out to someone it's utterly imperative to do with love & kindness, & not contempt & derision. For starts *nobody* likes to be made to feel stupid & you'll just make them dig in. These people have been *conned* they need help. https://twitter.com/dannagal/status/1347570103911636992?s=20
I defy anyone to spend ten minutes on QAnon Casualties and not feel deeply for, at least, the family members of those lost to this cult. And it is a cult, and it's probably one of the largest in the world right now, and we can't just ignore it.

There's a few comments saying a variant of "fuck 'em". Look, right now these Qanon victims are lost & adrift, they're looking desperately for something to cling on to. And the Far Right knows this. And they're trying to radicalize them further as we speak.
You can follow @artimusfoul.
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