Bristol City down 10% partly due to Covid. Matchday took biggest percentage hit, broadcast held up, commercial down £2m as could not host conferencing etc. #BCFC
Bristol City wages up 10% to £33m. Wages £123 for every £100 of revenue, 10th time in 11 years wages > revenue. Even so only half way in Championship wage table. Can see why £18m wage cap rejected by so many clubs. #BCFC
Average wage at Bristol City up to £15,500 a week. Has trebled since 2015.
Other main cost is amortisation (transfer fee spread over contract life) which up significantly reflecting investment in squad.
Bristol City day to day losses £700k a week, taking total losses to £190 million since 2010. Profit from selling Adam Webster to Brighton helped reduce these losses. Losses not exceptional by Championship standards.
Bristol City had negative net transfer spend of £2.4m in 2019/20. Total cost of squad reached a record £48m
Bristol City owner Steve Lansdown repaid the bank loan and lent the club the money itself, taking total investment to £175 million.
I'll be talking about these numbers on @bbcbristolsport at 6.50pm
Bristol City are owed nearly £24m in outstanding transfer fees from other clubs and owe £17m on players the club has purchased.
Bristol City's accumulated losses over the years now total £132 million.
Good news for Bristol City is that due to player sales club has a lot of headroom in terms of FFP.
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