Curious to get insights about the traffic happening on your website/landing page?

You do not need Google Analytics for that.

There are several, more ethical tools with a focus on privacy, built by Indie Hackers, Solodevelopers, and creative minds.

A thread ⬇️
First of all: there are quite a lot of different analytics tools with a privacy-first approach.

I have gathered some of them, but please feel free to add your privacy-first analytics tool to this thread too.

Google Analytics is free because of one big reason:

They make enough money off the personal data from their customers who use their analytics service.

You probably heard it a lot and I will tell you again: If the product is free you are the product.

So let's focus on more ethical, privacy-focused analytic tools for you and me.

. @usefathom is an independent, bootstrapped, privacy-focused website analytics tool.

It is fast, simple, and all you need to get insights about the traffic happening on your website (and it has the most beautiful dashboard out there).

Built by @pjrvs & @JackEllis

. @PlausibleHQ by @ukutaht and @MarkoSaric: Made and hosted in the EU, privacy-friendly, open-source, no cookies, and fully compliant with GDPR, CCPA, and PECR.

Sounds great? It is indeed! Pricing starts at $6/month (10,000 page views per moth) for unlimited websites.

5/19  by @caozilla: a simple, easy-to-use, self-hosted analytics tool; collects only the metrics you care about.

Great instructions on how to set everything up; might be still overwhelming for someone who does not have any technical understanding.

. @splitbee by @timolins and @linstobias: all-in-one analytics tool, super-fast dashboard, easy to integrate, free until 1,000 page views per month.

If you are also in the need of A/B-Testing Splitbee got you covered (Split Test, Variation Test, Custom Code Test).

@SimpleAnalytic by @AdriaanvRossum: No use of cookies (GDPR, CCPA, or PECR compliant), no personal data gets collected, get the essentials you need.

Starts at $19/month (up to 100,000 page views per month), unlimited websites, own your data, email support.

8/19  by @arp242_martin: open-source, no tracking of personal-data, free for non-commercial use, and meaningful privacy-friendly web analytics.

Incredible lightweight (only adds ~2,5kb of extra data to your site), commercial use starts at $5/month.

. @toastedanalytic by @lepetitpierdol: GDPR, PECR & CCPA compliant, super clean dashboard, blazingly fast, event tracking.

Pricing starts at $4.99/month (up to 10,000 page views per month), priority support, shared dashboards, unlimited websites.

. @getackee by @electerious: self-hosted, minimal interface, great documentation.

Ackee runs on Node.js, yarn, and MongoDB, but you can also use Docker without caring about dependencies.

11/19  by @AltumCode: privacy-friendly, your data owned by you, fully-featured admin panel, trusted by 5,000+ customers.

Self-hosted analytics, heatmaps, and session recordings, no monthly fee, pay once and own it forever (pricing starts at $79).

. @beampipe_io by @alexsparrowuk: simple, privacy-focused analytics, track goals and conversion, own your data.

Free for up to 10,000 page views/month (pricing starts at $10/month, up to 100,000 page views/month), and 5 domains, no cookies, GDPR, PECR, CCPA compliant.

. @kindmetrics by @hakan_nylen: strictly privacy-focused analytics tool, EU-based, set up custom events, all important analytics on one simple page, share analytics publicly + privately, option to self-host.

Pricing starts at €7 per month for 30.000 page views/month.

. @hioffen: open-source, lightweight, compliant with GDPR, opt-in only (users must actively consent to data collection), data is end-to-end encrypted.

Works for you and your users. Self-hosted and free.

. @microanalytics_: Fully compliant with GDPR, PECR and CCPA, created, managed, and hosted in the EU, powered by renewable energy, doesn’t track you or your visitors with IP addresses, fingerprints or cookies.

Full control over everything. Created by indie developers.

As already mentioned: if you have more suggestions just add them here! Share this thread with your friends to raise awareness to privacy-friendly analytics tool to use for your next web project.

I am a privacy advocate and I love to write about it, especially when I find out about privacy-friendly tools.

I love to add them to my weekly newsletter @creativerly, that features creativity and productivity-boosting tools and resources.

Thank you if you made it that far! I would love to read about your privacy-friendly Google Analytics alternatives, or if you are building other tools with a privacy-first approach, let me know and comment down below!

You can follow @philipptemmel_.
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