Unity can only be achieved when all people let go of homophobia, sexism, racism, ableism, and entitlement to other people’s bodies.
Unity is the ironic concept of being intolerant of intolerance.
Unity is about growth.
It’s about recognizing the falsehood of the Bible, and to stop hiding behind it as an excuse to discriminate against others.
I can tolerate your religion.
I cannot tolerate your archaic views.
I cannot tolerate chosen ignorance.
I cannot tolerate homophobia.
I cannot tolerate sexism.
I cannot tolerate racism.
I cannot tolerate sexual abuse.
I cannot tolerate neo-Nazis.
I cannot tolerate the demonization of those who have abortions.
I will unite, only in the fight to erase that horrific list.
You cannot be unified with those who affiliate with something on that list.
We have to educate.
Some will listen and grow, as i did.
Some will choose ignorance.
Some will choose hatred.
Some will choose selfishness.
Those people are not welcome in our society any longer.
There is no room for it in the future.
The future is now.
There is no excuse for choice of hatred, for the choice that all human rights are not equal.
To forsake these ideologies is not to forsake God; it’s actually how you embrace God.
The true Spirit.
Through UNCONDITIONAL love, where you are not punished for being EXACTLY how you were created.
You were made just right.
So was your neighbor.
SEE them that way.
We are not created hateful.
We are not created racist, sexist, homophobic, ableist, and abusers.
We are TAUGHT these things.

We are born:

Of race
Of sex
Of disability
Of preference
Of chance
Difference is a gift.
That does not mean difference of opinion that all Human Rights matter.
That should be a default understanding.
We are taught to think otherwise.
We are taught to be racist.
In some semblance, i was this way.

We are taught to be homophobic.
In some semblance, i was this way.

We are taught that God punishes us instead of loving us unconditionally and taking us all back home in the end.
I used to preach this.
You can change.
You can grow.
You can open your mind.
You can put your upbringing under the microscope.
Trust me when i say, you will be set free.

Come to understand science.
Come to see science and the Spirit are One.
Come to take responsibility for your planet.
Come to the church of the Cosmos.
Come to use empathy.
Come to grow, and learn, and make sacrifices.

Come to understand that the abolition of privilege is not about taking away what you have; it’s about sharing what you have with others.
It’s about equality.
It’s about everyone benefiting the same way.
If this sounds daunting to you, you have a lot of soul searching to do.
You can follow @Captain_Fae.
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