COVID situation report Sheffield 18 Jan

1 Epidemiology has turned
2 Numbers still too high, hospitals busy. We will be in a difficult place for some time
3 Household to household transmission is key
4 more than 60% is new variant. More vigilance needed
COVID situation report Sheffield 18 Jan

5 when will it end. Some crystal ball gazing. Early summer?
6 community transmission / household to household is key. Importance of social networks
7 outbreaks in settings are mostly contained and well managed.

COVID situation report Sheffield 18 Jan

8 impact of new variant. We know how quick it can take off
9 household to household mixing. Is important to keep a lid on

COVID situation report

10 new strains may emerge-We cant let virus spread unmitigated in un vaccinated - invites mutation
11 Dont know if vaccines reduce transmission. We need to be careful for some time
12 We DO know vaccines reduce serious illness 4/
COVID situation report 18 Jan

13 the rules! People ARE obeying the rules. Actual evidence isnt same as what some media report
14 Thank you to everyone who has stuck with it. What YOU do continues to make a difference
The interventions ARE working

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