The Ideologies of 1984 and What They Mean:

"1984" was written by George Orwell and is supposedly a critique on "da evil n**i's!!" but is it all true?

Firstly, we must examine all the ideologies presented before digging into the deeper meaning.

Let's find out..
The first being the ideology of INGSOC, English Socialism. English Socialism is a stalin esc, ultra-totalitarian ideology in which every person is under the complete, almost pawn-like control of the government.
Also referred to as Orwellianism, the government of Oceania (INGSOC) has incorporated new elements into its system of governance, such as "Newspeak" and "Doublethink".

Examples of "Newspeak" being "thoughtcrime" and this platform.
Yes, by the quote provided above, twitter is the perfect example of newspeak, limiting what we say so that we may say it condescend it into new english, with saying things like ppl, 2,4, u, r, emotes etc. Also little flashy clips like snapchat to shorten our attention spans.
In terms of inspiration for Newspeak, Orwell got it from the USSR (a good other example would be CCP, such as with INGSOC), with their shortened names and phrases, such as their name, gulag etc. Thoughtcrime was taken from cultural Marxism, which we are experiencing right now.
"Doublethink" is believing in two contradictory terms at once, such as: 2+2=5 and "we have always been at war with Eurasia, Eastasia has always been our ally. No, we have always been at war with Eastasia, Eurasia has always been our ally".
We can see this happening now with: "There are 800 million genders, but men can love men and women can love women, even though their metaphysical sexual constructs do not exist, they simultaneously do exist".

Utter nonsense.
The other ideologies are "Death Worship" and "Neo-Bolshevism", which are both ultra totalitarian communist ideologies, which essentially partake in the same evil ordeals.
We can see through this that Orwell's fear of Communism, Cultural Marxism and Totalitarianism far exceeded any Third Positionist ideology, even though he himself was a Democratic Socialist.
The evidence is further exemplified by how in the book, "Emmanuel Goldstein" is represented and people are forced to hate him. In reality he was Trotsky (real name Davidovich Bronstein), who Stalin forced his inhabitants to loathe for his "betrayal".
In reality, Bronstein (like Goldstein and Big Brother), was just as bad as Stalin was, possibly even more so, but it doesn't matter since in this intertwining web of totalitarianism, chaos and controlled hate, the truth is never seen.
The last obvious example would be the choice of clothing for the people of 1984. With communist ideologies everybody has to be the same, including clothing. This is in 1984, where we can see everybody wears the same jumpsuit, reminiscent of past totalitarian communist regimes.
The truth is, Orwell was never critiquing a world in which Third Positionism/Nature/Man triumphed, no, he was tirelessly trying to prevent what he had once been apart of from stopping. The even worse reality is, is his ideology has been used as a guidebook.
Men like Donald Trump (who is still no good) are the Emmanuel Goldstein's of today, Thoughtcrime is Cultural Marxism, Doublespeak is the LGBT and feminism, Newspeak is social medias and technology, and our "democracy" is the real-life totalitarian regime.
As real life proles, we have only one option.

It is to stand, hand in hand, as brothers and sisters, defend our homelands, and, revolt.

Revolution, being the only option. It is the unfortunate truth. Otherwise, we may continue to submissively be raped, in every sense.
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