2/ For those in the US as of 1/1/21 w/out status, temporary legal status for 5 yrs. After that, pending crim/security checks & tax compliance, they can apply for green cards. Dreamers (I guess DACA recipients?), TPS workers, & certain ag workers can apply immediately. (!!)
3/ After 3 years of having green cards (being in lawful permanent resident status), these individuals are eligible to apply for citizenship (pending more background checks, & passing an English knowledge & US civics test).
4/ Seems like there may be some physical presence waivers available for family unity purposes to certain people who were deported after 1/20/17 (first day of Trump presidency) who’d been physically present for 3 yrs before deportation.
5/ Addressing the years-long visa availability backlog that keeps families separated, the bill would clear backlogs by increasing the per-country visa caps & recapture unused visas. Would also eliminate the 3 & 10 yr bars (not the perm?) & incorporate LGBTQ families into the INA.
6/ And would allow those with approved I-130 applications to join their families while they wait for visas to become available — further addressing an issue that separates families across borders.
7/ No more Muslim bans! And would expand diversity visa from 55,000 to 80,000
8/ RE immigration courts, resorting IJ discretion to manage sockets & grant relief, & funding to restore legal orientation programs in immigration court & fund counsel for children & other vulnerable populations. (!)
9/ Eliminate the one-year deadline for filing asylum applications & addressing asylum backlogs (a huge help for pro se asylum seekers). And increases the U visa cap from 10,000 to 30,000, addressing the near 10-yr backlog for U visa applicants.
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