The tradition of the peaceful transition of power dates back to 1797 when George Washington left office and John Adams became President. That process, the greatest invention in American history endured until 2021. There will be a transfer of Executive power today but it has
Not been peaceful. 6 people died because of Trump’s incitement to insurrection. The peaceful transition of power in this country is not a moment, it is a process prescribed by the Constitution. That process was soaked in blood because of the sedition of the highest ranking
Political leaders in the country. Unity demands accountability for the most Un American acts since the Civil War. Media covering the Inauguration should stop referring to today’s events as a continuation of the peaceful transition of power, because it wasn’t. We are burdened as
a society by a collective memory span that resembles something akin to collective amnesia. The inability of us to face hard realities and even reality itself has caused a catastrophe in America. The American story begins a new chapter today. Let us be optimistic but let’s also
Understand that optimism and hope cannot be build on the soft sands of delusion. There is only one reality. There is no such thing as alternate facts. The truth and decency matter. Trump departed in disgrace today. He left without class, dignity or decorum. The breathless
Coverage around his leaving a note in the Resolute Desk for President Biden after his unspeakable vandalism and poisoning of democracy is a reason for pessimism because it signals that even at this late hour too many explicators still can’t understand what Trump wrought.
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