alfafa leak of the day

$SCRT solves a key problem in the crypto space

SGXs function as Trusted Execution Environments where code and applications can be run, allowing attestations to a block to be produced
A big problem with the current SGX configuration is the liveness problem

What happens if the machine running the SGX goes offline?
Behold, the Secret Network

It creates a set of validators to run the host machine's SGX and allow code execution to happen all the time, in lightning fast motion thanks to Tendermint's consensus algorithm
$SCRT isn't an ETH killer

It's an independent layer of the blockchain stack that serves a crucial purpose
In burpee's opinion, this is probably the only crypto product you can say with a straight-face is undervalued by a factor of about 100x

do what you will with this $SCRT, burpee tried his best
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