Saucer Pass: Beautiful, Lazy, High-Risk Pass by @HockeysArsenal

We love passing and require your attention to dive into thinking beyond the saucer pass

(Lots of video below)

Each game situation calls for a different pass

There are a variety of passes that accomplish the same thing. Players must pick the best pass type for the given situation

With each type of pass, there is a corresponding risk/reward profile

Often, a saucer pass is the high-risk solution for the presented game situation

Players fail to recognize and utilize a variety of passing selections in game situations

Understanding each pass is the first step towards proper pass selection. Let’s dive in:

Triangle Passes
- Passes in which players are problem-solving the “triangle” of the defender that is created between the D’s skate toe caps + stick blade

Slip Pass = The passer pulls the puck tight to their body in order to slide the puck underneath the opponent’s triangle

Hook Pass = Passer pushes the puck farther away from themselves, then hook their wrists to snap the puck through the triangle.

Area Passes
- The passer spots the puck into an area of the ice currently unoccupied, but allows the receiver the space to skate to that area

Leading Pass = A type of area pass that leads a teammate into open ice.

This is a great way for high hockey IQ players to leverage their vision and help teammates see passes

Bank Pass = Off the wall to a teammate. This could be to a leading or trailing teammate.

Indirect = A pass sent indirectly to the pass receiver. In this example, the passer puts the puck behind the player off the boards, knowing TOR88 can skate into space

Dump/Bank to speed = Similar to the indirect example, this type of pass requires two players to be on the same page, as the receiver will be building up speed. Meanwhile, the passer must recognize and place the puck in a spot where his teammate can get to the puck first

Drop Pass = A softly executed backward pass that a teammate with speed can pick up. (Note: could also be a “leave” pass, where the passer appears to forget to bring the puck with him/her.)

Punting = Over the top of the defense. Sometimes meant to clear the pressure in the defensive zone, sometimes (like below) utilized as an offensive tactic

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