1. The right needs to avoid returning to the GOP/conservative outrage trap, i.e., "support us to stop socialism/Democrat racism!"

2. Trump needs to be separated from the right because all he does is grift

3. The right needs to build parallel networks and institutions
4. "Right" needs to indicate a socially conservative, economically moderate movement that is capable of attracting moderates through economic populism--healthcare and immigration are the two biggest issues, framed as attacking big pharma and labor exploitation
4, 2.0: Yeah there are other reasons to tackle healthcare and immigration, but framing it as a war on vicious, exploitative bugman oligarchs has the broadest appeal
5. anti-white resentment needs to be addressed explicitly and shown as the ideological vehicle for the growth and consolidation of the managerial regime's power
6. "Nationalist populism" as a political project is doomed to fail unless parallel institutions are be created. We need civilization building, not coin-operated politics. Gab is an example of an alternative network. Somebody needs to do something with a financial institution
7. Fifty-five percent of Trump voters said they would prefer a more competent leader who adopts “Trump’s views on controlling immigration, nationalism and being willing to challenge the mainstream media, political correctness and elites." True Believers and grifters = minority
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