I know a Christian who prayed fervently for up to 9 hours a day for about five years. On many occasions, she turned hunger to a fast for lack of food to eat with her children
This woman didn't have a job or learn a trade. She was a full housewife before her husband died.
All she did was sit at home and pray
She was dirt poor and even her children despised her
She invited me to her home one day and asked me why God has not changed her story despite all her hours of praying and fasting
I said "Why didn't you get a job? Start a trade? become an
somewhere? Is praying a job? Is praying a source of income and blessing? No.
The next day, she went to a friend who has a pharmacy and asked if she could be coming to work for four hours every day for a stipend
The friend agreed
Two weeks later, somebody came to the
shop to get some drugs
The person's baby was convulsing and the doctors told her to rush to a pharmacy and buy a particular drug
The drug was available but the person didn't have enough money
The person begged her to please give her the drugs on credit
The person promised to pay
up as soon as her husband returned
home from the office
She gave the person the drug
Her friend got back to the shop and saw that the expensive drug was
She explained what happened
The friend embarrassed her and sent her out of her shop
She cried all the way home
following day, the person and her husband showed up at the shop
to thank her
The friend gave them her address and told them she was no longer working with her
When they got to her house they saw the true state of things
The man decided to help her and her children
He opened a
proper supermarket for her with a standard pharmacy
(The man was an importer of drugs from India and Korea)
That was the woman's ticket out of poverty
Had she remained at home praying, she would have remained poor
The same is applicable to our walk with the Holy Spirit
When you
look at the manual of a product, you use the knowledge in the manual to operate the product effectively
When you read the Bible, you use the knowledge in the Bible to walk with the Holy Spirit
Many believers simply read the knowledge and expect the knowledge to transform their
lives by itself
You have to apply what you have learned and grow

Jesus instructed us to be doers of the Word and not hearers only
James said faith without deed is dead!
Dont just know or hear the gospel, practise it and it will transform your life
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