Here's my question of the day for @NYCSchools, @UFT, and the entire #NotUntilItsSafe crowd: why is it that @ArchNY_Schools has found a way to run safe, full-time schools during this pandemic but @NYCSchools hasn't? 1/x
Every morning on the way to work, I walk past our neighborhood @ArchNY_Schools K-8 school. Today was their 83rd day of full-time school, in their 1925 building. My daughter's @NYCSchools K-5 is 1.5 miles away, and Cohort A has attended 19 days of school, 5 since November 17. 2/x
To be fair, @NY_Arch doesn't have the greatest track record on truth-telling re: kids, but it seems that if their kids, and their parents, and their grandparents, and their teachers were getting sick, or hospitalized, or god forbid, dying, that's something we'd know by now. 3/x
It also seems fairly unlikely that parents would continue dropping off their children every morning, and continue paying tuition, if their kids, and their parents, and their grandparents, and their teachers were getting sick at school. 4/x
So which is it? Is @ArchNY_Schools the silent driver of COVID-19 in Upper Manhattan, running wild, undetected by public health authorities, families, and school admins? Or is the simple truth that @MichaelDeegan10 had the will to try where @DOEChancellor and @UFT did not? 5/x
And why aren't @NYCMayor, @DOEChancellor, and @UFT Mulgrew forced to answer this question? Please ask, @elizashapiro, @Jill_Jorgensen, @ByJessicaGould, @AGZimmerman, @reemadamin, @cveiga. /end
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