Biden, who publicly supports unrestricted access to abortion, euthanasia, has a history of supporting unjust military action in MENA, promises to sue nuns to force them to pay for contraception, & officiated at a same-sex "marriage", will receive Holy Communion today.

Catholic Church in 1076: *excommunicates a king for resisting a papal decree regarding the investiture of bishops

Catholic Church in 2021: *cowers in fear of being called "judgemental", allows pro-choice politicians to receive communion, thus eating God's judgment (1 Cor 11:29)
InB4 "The Eucharist isn't a prize for the perfect, but medicine for sinners!"

Literally no one claims that the Eucharist is a "prize for the perfect". From apostolic times up until the 1960's, the Church recognized the need for scrutiny & repentance prior to receiving Eucharist.
Allowing Biden to receive Holy Communion is not "pastoral"... it's actually the exact opposite. A TRUE pastoral response to Biden would be to excommunicate him and thereby bar him from eating & drinking judgment upon himself (1 Cor 11:29) & thus fall deeper into mortal sin.
The ancient liturgies of the Church proclaim the reverential fear we must have before the throne of the LORD, and the need for a pure heart to receive the Eucharistic Lord.

Now, we are all sinners, of course. But that doesn't mean all sins are equal. Some sins require confession
This is basic Catholicism 101. While we are all sinners, some sins bar us from receiving Holy Communion until we are reconciled to Christ & the Church through the sacrament of Confession.

But you don't hear prelates talk about this anymore because "all are welcome".
Biden is not simply a private citizen with erroneous views. He is a baptized Catholic, and is now the most powerful man in America. His pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia, pro-LGBT views will become policy, and thus he is publicly rejecting Church teaching on several points.
The fact that Biden (among others) is allowed to receive Holy Communion without a firm purpose of amendment/public repentance is nothing less than a scandal. But the @USCCB is so anxious about maintaining a positive public image, they would rather deny Christ than deny Biden.
In some ways, Biden perfectly represents post-Vatican II "big tent" Catholicism. He received a Catholic education, loves (some) nuns, attends Mass, but supports abortion, same-sex marriage, euthanasia. He gestures to anthropocentric ideas of "fraternity" & "dignity" w/o Christ.
After Vatican II, much of Catholic teaching was reduced to "be nice to your neighbor" and "justice and equality for all!" Very little attention, if any, was given to the actual doctrinal and moral content of the Faith. "Hard truths" were removed from the lectionary. And so on.
It's not simply enough to be a baptized Catholic. That doesn't make you a "Catholic president" any more than me owning a gym membership makes me a fitness expert. Yes, Biden is Catholic, by its very definition, and certain policies of his mesh with Church teaching. But not most.
There are several examples in history where a Catholic politician or public figure supported an intrinsic evil, and the bishops responded by excommunicating them. Nowadays, it seems that the only excommunicable offense in the Church is border protection.
"Stop being so judgmental"

There's a difference between judging the eternal destination of one's soul and reiterating the Church's teachings regarding the proper reception of Holy Communion. I hope Biden repents and makes it to heaven. Sacrilegious communions won't help that.
Anyhow, today is just another reminder at how toothless and embarrassing the @USCCB is. On one hand, they claim to be the Catholic voice for our country. On the other hand, they break with 2,000 years of Church teaching by not forbidding notorious sinners from receiving Eucharist
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