There’s a lot of gobsmacked reporting about how West Virginia is leading the nation on vaccination by relying on local pharmacies rather than CVS. Local drugstores! West Virginia! Who can believe it!

It’s a telling example of how steeped we are in the ideology of bigness. 1/
We’re so certain that big business is superior to small, and that big cities are smarter than rural places. We’re blinded by these ideas. Only the most glaring evidence of the opposite can shake us out of the conviction. 2/
Last year, I watched economists struggle to figure out why so many more PPP loans were made in some places than in others. The answer wasn’t hard to see. It just confounded their assumptions: small banks are better at getting capital to the real economy than big banks are. /3
The reason small businesses, small farms, and small banks are disappearing is not because they can’t compete. It’s because this ideology of bigness has led to a host of antitrust, tax, and banking policies that favor big corporations and undermine small ones.
We often talk about the closure of a small business — a local drugstore, say — as though the stakes are only the nostalgic feeling of these places. But in reality, we’re losing some of the most effective & productive parts of our economy. The costs are so much greater. 8/8
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