Biden was like my 5th pick in the primaries, he’s a moderate where we needed a progressive, and it was also so much work and so hard to get even him. I hope everyone can take a few minutes today and appreciate the hard fought victory. Winning even a little is hard, but we did it.
Rather than be discouraged by a moderate President, now is a time to count our wins and plan for more of them, recognizing what can be achieved when we talk to our neighbors, when Black and Brown and East Asian and Indigenous folks are activated within a movement.
I hope also that ppl understand that by fighting like hell in Georgia, folks there not only dethroned Mitch McConnell but also handed Bernie Sanders chair of the Senate Budget Committee, and while I know many are disappointed he is not president there is so much he can do there.
I truly believe that if we do not learn to celebrate victories we will not be able to win.
For so many people, the general election was life or death. For folks whose family members feared being kidnapped off the streets, the folks on federal death row, the communities hit hardest by COVID 19 ... Biden is not a savior but many more people will live. That’s a victory.
There is now an enormous amount of work todo. I encourage people to think globally and act locally. What’s up with your city council, DA, school board, and state legislature? Which moderates can successfully be primaried by a progressive?

Change from the bottom, not the top!!
Most importantly, I continue to believe that while my many friends in electoral politics do important work, the most important work is done by grassroots organizers who take to the streets. As you think locally, think of supporting and even joining them as you are able.
The biggest change we need will be prompted not by a democrat but by radicals who oppose fascism and have beautiful visions for a future after racial capitalism.
Trump is no longer president (in 90 min or so) because grassroots organizers made his next term an impossibility.

Never forget who planted the seeds.

It was not the Democrats, who are often cowardly abusers of their core base.
But again, if we do not celebrate the victories we have, it is hard to keep up the stamina for liberation. So it’s okay to celebrate today. Just don’t understand it to be more than it is. But understand that it is a real victory.
And for the white people saying we are too hard on Biden, let me just say y’all are the same crew who said we were overreacting about Trump, give him a chance, the Republicans would never let him do XYZ, and then he killed hundreds of thousands, including your friends & neighbors
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