Thread 1/ Idk who needs to hear this today, but allies don't need the lgbtqia2+ tag to be seen on twitch. They don't need visibility. We do.
2/ People who want to call themselves allies need to let us use the tag to find one another instead of self-proclaiming themselves as our supporters. We have. One. Tag. On twitch to help us find one another.
3/ If your argument is "how can we know if someone is an ally then?" Pay attention to their actions. Are they supporting you actively? Are they listening to you? Or are they just slapping on a label to be "part of the club"?
4/ I speak from experience. People have asked me to make "ally beanies". The whole world is full of cis, white, heteronormative stuff. You don't need a beanie. You need to support us by realizing sometimes there is not intersectionality or a seat for you to speak. Just listen.
5/ people have used the tag who didn't even know what the acronym stands for. People have used the tag and don't support my existence as a trans person (which is a whole other conversation). So no. Self proclaimed allies don't need to use our tag.
6/ Also. I have some phenomenal friends who are actionable in supporting us. Thank you for being here for us, for listening, and understanding. I see you, and appreciate you.
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