Here's the thing, boomers: DC is occupied by 25,000 soldiers. Three times more than Iraq and Afghanistan. It is very obvious. Very visible.

If *ever* was the time for your great storm, the military rising to support your prophecy, it'd be today.

It'd be obvious and visible.
You wouldn't have to parse through cryptic messages, or watch youtube videos of angry guys finding code words in speeches.

It'd be obvious that your great storm arrived.

As obvious as 25,000 soldiers could be.
It would be abundantly obvious that your prophecy has come true.

You would not need to decipher anything, find secret kabbalistic codes in anything.

You'd know, very obviously, that your prophecy has arrived.
With 25,000 soldiers occupying DC, with soldiers stationed all over the country, you'd *know* that your prophesized storm had arrived.

There'd be no doubt. It'd be right in front of you.
You would have absolute, incontrovertible proof that your prophecy has arrived.

You would not need to see a single person decipher enigmatic codes, or analyze secret ciphers.
If *ever* was the time for your prophisized military op to swoop in and do whatever, it'd be today. When 25,000 soldiers are occupying DC.
When that doesn't happen, you will feel an overwhelming urge to explain it.

You will seek someone, anyone, who can decipher cryptic clues to show what really happened. Secret code words that show the truth.

Before you do, ask yourself: would I really *need* to do this?
Before you turn to youtube to watch a 3 hour video of a guy analyzing secret code words and deciphering the truth, ask yourself:

Wouldn't I know, with my own eyes, that the prophecy had arrived? Why would I need to read between the lines?
That urge to find an explanation, to uncover the secret truth of what happened, will be powerful.

The alternative is to accept that you're a mark, a chump, who got conned by a cartoonishly obvious scam artist.
Just ask yourself: why would I need to analyze secret clues when the truth should be just as visible and in my face as 25,000 soldiers occupying the nation's capital?
You have a choice.

Either accept what is immediately obvious, and real.

Or go watch someone spend 3 hours analyzing morse code in blinks to prove something you did not see happen, happened.
Which option you choose, you better choose correctly because there is literally no more wiggle room.

Either you see your prophecy arrive, or you don't.

It's too late to find solace in secret numerological codes and hidden morse code ciphers in blinks.
Your prophecy is about to either be very visibly affirmed. Or very visibly proven wrong.

There is no third option. No gap left to retreat to where your youtube guy can explain the kabbalistic meaning of X word choice or Y mispronunciation.
You can either accept reality, the self-evident evidence of your eyes.

Or some youtube guy who will alternately coo softly or shriek the secretly encoded meaning of what you very obviously saw not happen.
Boomers, this is your last stop on the train to insanity. The very last chance to ever be trusted by your kids again. To ever return to reality.

You don't have the option of pointing to secret gematria and hidden morse code messages anymore.

Not with 25,000 soldiers in DC
Your train stops here, today.

One choice lets you pet the plump possum of reality, one choice sets you beyond the event horizon of a delusion.
The train stops today.

If you stay on it, you are never, ever going to find your way back.
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