Rituals to make you Rich: Must read for every wealth seeker

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1. Learn from Riches, Don't hate

If you usually hate others growth, you will never make it to wealth

Embrace and learn from people better than you
2. Spend enough time on self-learning

Check your last 50 videos watched on youtube,

Are they Goal Oriented or Entertaining?

Categorizing them will reveal your future
3. Stop worrying too much about people that have no intentions to take you to next level

You cannot impress everyone

Take risks while not caring of others, as @orangebook_ says it: https://twitter.com/orangebook_/status/1335901686766981121?s=20
4. Focus on what right people think about you

Right people:

- Those who will help you get to the next level
- Customers that are buying from you

If you don't focus on them, money will elude you
5. Stop being expert at excuses.

You have excuses for everything.

"I got stuck in traffic,
I had a fever,
I don't have enough money to begin"

Sorry, Money is not attracted to excuses.
6. Stop seeking advice of people who don't have skin in the game

What they never have been, How can they make you that?

Make smart decisions and avoid fake gurus
7. Life is a marathon, Think and create big.

Your cheap mindset is limiting you:
- Stuck in comfort zone.
- No long term visions.
- Living paycheques to paycheques.
- Pursuing instant pleasures.
8. Emphasize on earnings over savings

No one has become ultra-rich by cutting off basic living expenses.

Savings mindset may save you from bankruptcy but kill your wealth-building abilities.

Do yourself a favor and build side hustles
Thanks for reading.

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