The #FutureHomesStandard consultation highlights some important things, here's what I've taken away from it;
1) Organising works. Look at these numbers. This is because of @LETI_London @ArchitectsCAN @archdeclare and others encouraging a huge response from design professionals, and it has resulted in some wins....
2) The two big concessions are that we are keep #FEES & Local Authorities are keeping their right to set more ambitious atandards. This is great and everybody that responded helped make that happen!!
3) Despite this its worth reflecting that #EmbodiedCarbon is not currently a priority of @mhclg . Its a missed opportunity that it won't be included in FHS. However, there was, for the first time, an allusion towards a piece of work to examine this:
4) I think we can conclude that we need an entirely new part to the Building Regulations, lets call it #PartS, if we are to tackle embodied & whole life carbon within regulations. There are many references to these topics being 'beyond the scope' of this consultation.
5) MHCLG is currently unwilling to act as fast as it needs to, in my opinion. They claim their work has been accelerated BUT they have stuck to the 2025 introduction. It should and could be faster than this right?
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