[thread] Is the Holy Spirit the Paraclete? I will let the Bible answer that question for you.
John 14:16 states that the Paraclete will be with the disciples FOREVER. However, big problem. Genesis 6:3 says that God’s Spirit WILL NOT BE WITH MAN FOREVER because he is of flesh. Targum Jonathan renders it as “Holy Spirit.”
OBJECTION: “God’s Holy Spirit here is referring to the spirit that he breathed into man when he created him, not the third person of the Trinity.”
ANSWER: Impossible. If the meaning here is that the spirit of man won’t be in the flesh of man forever, that would be a lie which is contradicted by the general bodily resurrection that both Jews and Christians believe in.
OBJECTION: “Christians only believe in the resurrection of the soul dummy, not the body.”
ANSWER: Justin Martyr would call you a Gnostic loser and spit on your face if he heard you saying that. The prophets attest to the resurrection of the flesh as well.
It’s essentially a lose-lose situation regardless of which interpretation you decide to go with.
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