Thread: Shaun Lawson, Mike Sivier
You will have seen that Mike Sivier has lost the libel case brought by Rachel Riley. Any sentient being knew this would happen. So why did he fight the case and who is really responsible for him possibly losing his house?
Shaun Lawson was a nobody living in Uruguay until Twitter allowed him to build up a 15k strong following. How? Generally by spending a number of years attacking Jews who were concerned about Labour now being run by an antisemitic leader backed by his fellow racist travellers. 2
He would write very lengthy threads and his use of language and apparent logic showed that he was no fool. What the Corbynistas really loved about him was that Shaun would daily play the ‘asajew’ card, because two generations previously he had Jewish grandparents. 3/
Thus, he had his ‘get out of racist jail’ card.

Shaun knew that he could lie about anyone on twitter because whilst living in Uruguay he was safe from the UK’s libel laws. And thus, he repeatedly lied about two well know UK personalities ... 4/
(primarily because, weirdly, they were Jews who didn’t like antisemites).

This caused thousands of abusive messages to be sent to them. He just watched and laughed at what he had achieved. 5/
Mike Sivier isn’t quite as bright as Shaun, and despite being a UK ‘journalist’ for 25 years didn’t seem to understand that being based in the UK meant that he WAS covered by the UK’s libel laws. And so by repeating Shaun’s lies, he was rightly sued. 6/
Mike knew that the racist Corbynista left liked nothing better than the chance to show their hostility to Jews and so appealed to them to fund their case. And as proof of how much they do hate Jews, he raised over £100k!!! 7/
What Mike didn’t understand was that if he had a strong case, his solicitors would have offered him a 'no win, no fee' agreement. His firm even states ‘our reputation means that, where appropriate, barristers are also prepared to work with us on a 'no win, no fee' basis’. 8/
So why didn’t they?

I do hope that Mike warned his wife that there was a good chance they would lose their home. I also hope that Mr Lawson will now be donating a significant percentage of his monthly earnings to Mike for the rest of his life .... 9/
because without his lies none of this would have happened.

I’ll let you decide whether Shaun is lying on his LinkedIn profile when he describes himself as having ‘a shrewd sense of judgement’!! 10/
And, of course, the final lesson to the supporters of Mike and Shaun is this: Jews will not allow you to lie about us without there being consequences. Be very careful. We are watching you. And we will take action. End.
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