Quiet people are hidden geniuses.

The next minimalism trend will be based on your ego. It’s a big opportunity for you.

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Examples of quiet geniuses:
- Investing legend, Warren Buffett
- Harry Potter actor, Emma Watson
- Albert Einstein

"The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind" — Einstein
3/ They don’t feel the need to always talk.

Thinking about problems deeply, in quiet solitude, is where the life-changing insights come from.

It’s why many former presidents and financial gurus like Warren Buffett spend so much of their work time alone in their office.
4/ Talking becomes a productivity killer after a certain point. Answers are found in quiet contemplation. Throw in a domestic cat or dog for added effect.
5/ Talk is cheap to them. Silent actions are more powerful.

If we judged leaders based on quiet actions that don’t lead to success metrics, we’d have a seriously different world.

Value action. The rest is noise.
6/ Quietness is open-mindedness.

They make less noise about a subject because they can see both sides of an argument being right.

On one hand the world’s reaction to a virus makes us all citizens of Idiotsville. On the other hand humans were never going to be prepared it.
7/ It’s easy to call people idiots. It’s hard to sit in your bedroom with the door closed and imagine both sides of a controversial argument as being right.
8/ Noise is the sound of your ego.

There is a piece of your ego in everything you say.

The hardest thing to do is witness an injustice and say nothing. The temptation is to talk a lot, thinking it makes everything better.

Not every situation requires your awesome commentary
9/ Minimalism when it comes to having less stuff is already a trend. Minimalism when it comes to money is an upcoming trend that allows people to retire early.

The next minimalism trend is going to be based around your ego.

A minimalist ego can save you from yourself.
10/ Your ego needs attention when your mental health falls off a cliff.

The genius of quiet people is that their mental health is thriving, so they don’t need to let their ego ruin people’s lives.
11/ Quiet people will take over the world again. Actions will be valued over more talking about nothing.

Tiny actions that contribute to the greater good are an opportunity you can access when you develop your inner quiet muscle.
12/ Geniuses don’t talk a lot. They listen. They ask questions. They think deeply. Then they quietly take action when most people aren’t looking.
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