But why is it always him??????
Why only him???
The fandom only treats him this way 😭
It's always him.
I think we have to admit that some people here are biased and it has nothing to do with the members, bh or the fandom's treatment, but everything with your creepy little victim fantasy. You're making it seem like a freaking mistreatment competition?!! What's wrong with y'all.
If they attack me for this it was for a noble cause.
This is making my brain hurt 😭😭
They're all underappreciated by the fandom 🥴🥴🥴
Feel free to add to this lol. It's truly never ending
"We need to talk about how this fandom treats his stans"
If you feel called out by this thread of offended then I have some news for you
@ you in the priv qrts
Have some more hypocritical bs
I could do this all day
The first one is taking me out
Regarding "mistreatment", that word kinda loses its meaning when y'all use it like this
Last one, I swear, this is getting too long!!
Wait I forgot the last part of the mistreatment Olympics!!!!
End of thread.
Give some love to Fritz, he's always left out :( https://twitter.com/OT7lovinghours/status/1346240271873355776?s=19
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