Aawla or Amla or Gooseberry is a wonder fruit. Its health benefits are manifold. But people will be surprised to know that it was being worshipped since times immemorial.
During Pralay when the whole world was immersed in water, that time Brahma ji sat for meditation thinking about the Parabrahma. While meditating he took a long breath and at the same time a tear came out of his eye since he felt a strong sense of love towards the Parabrahma.
When this tear fell down on the surface, an amla tree came out of it. Since it was the first sign of vegetation it was called Aadiroh. It was after this that other lives emerged on this earth. When the creation was complete the devtas assembled near the Amla tree.
An Akashvani declared at time that this fruit would be shrestha(best) amongst all fruits since it was the favourite fruit of Vishnu ji. Just remembering this fruit gives you the benefit of godaan. Eating and just looking at this fruit your Punya increases threefold.
It fulfills your wishes and destroys your sins.

Always worship this fruit especially on the Chaturdashi of Kartik month. This day is known as Vaikunth Chaturdashi. Pray and worship Shri Hari under the shade of Amla tree and perform 108 parikrama.
Listen to the relevant stories and then give food to Brahmins. You will certainly attain Moksha.

Eating Amla in the month of Karthik is auspicious. It destroys all your sins. Any good deed performed under a Amla tree is capable of neutralizing all your past sins.
There is a story depicting this.

There lived a Brahmin named Devsharma on the banks of river Kaveri. His only son was of evil nature. He once advised his son to at least pray in this Kartik month as it was the favourite time of Vishnu.
The son refused so the Brahmin angrily curses him to become a rat and live in hollow of a tree. This frightened the son who immediately wanted to know about getting out of this curse.
So the Brahmin told him that when he would listen to the story on importance of Kartik month he would be relieved from this curse.

The son acquires the form of a rat. Once, Rishi Vishwamitra comes to the place where the son who turned into a rat, lived. It was a Amla tree.
The rishi along with his Shishya's sat and started talking to his disciples about the importance of Kartik month. A hunter who noticed this group sitting there, came with the intention of robbing and killing them, but instead sat down listening to the rishi.
The son who now was a rat, also, was listening to this. As the sermon ended the rat became a Brahmin Kumar. A divine Vimaan was ready to carry him to Vishnulok. The hunter and Rishi too witnessed this and were astonished. The hunter was also impressed.
He had a change of heart and became pious.

Those desiring Laxmi or wealth should bathe in water mixed with Amla. Any couple having a dosha or fault in their fate should serve food to Brahmins under a Amla tree. Bathing in amla water on Ekadashi is auspicious.
Never bathe in Amla water on Navmi, Amavasya, Saptami, Sankrant, Sunday, Lunar eclipse and Solar eclipse. Performing Pind daan under Amla tree gives Moksha. Washing hair with Amla is good medically and spiritually. An amla in your house prevents Pret baadha.
So these were the importance and origin of Amla.

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Hindi translation by Vishal ji👇
Source-Skanda puran
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