People who've followed me for a while know that I rarely *knowingly* drunk tweet. Unless I'm on a late commuter rail back from the city, which hasn't happen in a while.

So, with that as a disclaimer, I think the inaugural insomnia I and others are experiencing is fucking weird.
Like... WE WON. We SURVIVED. We should be feeling elated. Like, I was in 2009 before Obama. My only concern the night before that was if the *party* I planned for that day would be fun for my guests.

This doesn't feel at all like that.

I think there are two reasons:
1. @chrislhayes made a near-miss car crash analogy tonight, and he talked about the "adrenaline" one gets as one realizes they *almost died.* I think a lot of this right now is just "holy shit, HOLY SHIT THAT MAN ALMOST KILLED US." We're a bit amped from almost not being here.
2. Even as we've all known, we've all told each other "1/20/21 is not the END. We still have HUGE Trump-ism problems." We've still earmarked tomorrow (today) as... what we had to make it to.

As the Oracle says, "you can't see past the choices you don't understand."
1/20/21 has been a black box, the end of the "future" many of us have thought through since 2016. So, now that it's here, our minds are like: "Holy shit. I have no actual PLANS for, like, 1/21/21." 1/21/21 is OFF THE MAP. We haven't charted it and so our brains are doing that now
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