As it stands at this moment: Trump had an unprecedented opportunity to reform our government, but he was either outmaneuvered by The Swamp or didn’t have the conviction to do so. Uncomfortable facts 👇🏼

The federal deficit exploded. ✅

The coronavirus pandemic was mishandled. ✅
2/ No immigration reform. ✅

We’re still in the wars. ✅

Didn’t take on Big Tech. ✅

The media is more corrupt & propaganda-fueled than ever before. ✅

No entitlement reform. ✅

De minimis healthcare reform. ✅

Executive orders can be revoked by Biden. ✅
3/ Election fraud and irregularities went unexamined & unpunished. ✅

No pardon for Assange. ✅

No accountability for Benghazi, Epstein, Hillary’s illegal server, Spygate, Hunter Biden’s laptop, Weiner laptop, Awan laptop. ✅

No scaling back of the Patriot Act. ✅
4/ Trillions of dollars were given to the Military Industrial Complex. ✅

Trump never once mentioned the Federal Reserve artificially lowering interest rates and manipulating monetary policy after he was elected [he actually cheered them on]. ✅
4/ Trump chose poor advisors & too often listened to bad advice, ranging from poor political appointments [ie. Wray, Haspel, Jerome Powell, Barr, etc.] to endorsing bad candidates [ie. Brian Kemp] + not declassifying widespread evidence of corruption for fear of retribution.
5/ I am NOT placing this solely on the shoulders of Trump. Congress played a massive role, as did the bloated bureaucracy & corrupt media. But it doesn’t change reality as it stands at this moment. This happened during his administration on his watch. The buck stops at the top.
6/ We need to acknowledge the shortcomings in order to re-evaluate our current position and determine what action needs to be taken moving forward or we’ll never solve these issues. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.
7/ There were also many accomplishments to be celebrated during the Trump years. We can talk about those in-time, but our focus must be on the problems left UNRESOLVED, of which there are many. The Swamp has been thoroughly exposed, which is a good thing. Now it is on us.
8/ It is incumbent upon each and every one of us to take diligent action over the next two years as we look forward to 2022.

We must never lose faith.
We must never give up.
Hardship brings opportunity.
Pressure creates diamonds.
Americans are more awake than ever before ...
9/ but we have a very long road ahead of us if are going to rescue the Republic from those who have been working [knowingly or unknowingly] to subvert and destroy it. Many remain asleep & everyone wakes up on their own time. Use the knowledge you have gained to guide your actions
10/ as we move forward. Take care of yourself. Take care of your family. Build strong local communities with your neighbors. Run for office if it calls you. Apathy is the enemy. It’s time to work harder. Thoughtful action combats worry, doubt and fear.
11/ Despite the above, I want to thank President Trump for leaving his previous life to take on the tremendous responsibility and challenge leading the most powerful, sacred & important country on earth. He and his family endured unprecedented, immoral, criminal & unjust attacks.
12/ Thank you for not silencing the press or your political opposition.

Thank you for unprecedented access to your administration.

Thank you for not starting any additional wars.
13/ Thank you for appointing judges & Justices who will hopefully protect the Constitution more effectively than those appointed by your predecessor.

Thank you for being an outspoken supporter of Christianity, Religious Liberty & the Right-to-Life.
14/ Thank you for calling out the corrupt and FAKE news media.

Thank you for further exposing the RINO’s in the Rep Party.

Thank you for standing up for America on the world-stage.

Thank you for cutting costly regulations.

Thank you for prescription drug transparency.
15/ Thank you for withdrawing the United States from unfair trade deals, international agreements & the Iran Deal.

Thank you for bringing attention to the multi-variate threat that China poses to the United States & highlighting the dangers of our dependence on Chinese products.
16/ Thank you for rolling back regulations to increase energy production in the US to reduce our dependence on foreign energy.

Thank you for eliminating the individual mandate.

Thank you for defeating ISIS.

Thank you for VA Choice.
17/ Thank you for taking steps to combat human trafficking.

Thank you for the “Right to Try”.

Thank you for banning Critical Race Theory from the federal government.
18/ While I missed some additional accomplishments to be sure, I appreciate the wins that you helped to deliver & hope that we can build on them.

We will overcome whatever lies ahead, just as we always have.

God Bless you all & God Bless the United States of America.

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