Trump pardoning a foreigner who came to this country to convince Americans to spy for Israel.

This entire list is an insult.
Armed bank robbery:
Commutations are marginally better than the pardons.
He also operated a massive cocaine empire that generated $2 million profit per day.
Simple real estate investment fraud? Not so fast. He defrauded investors out of $200 million dollars. He's a repeat offender who defrauded investors out of millions during the Facebook IPO by offering them large blocks of shares he didn't have.
Just a CEO with a conflict of interest? No. He defrauded the United States Medicare program out of $4.6 million.
This guy lobbied Trump's justice department on behalf of the Chinese and Malaysian governments. Very cool.
Charges weren't exactly 'overturned" ... Prosecutors chose not to pursue the case farther if he relinquished $710,000.

He claims his family in Iran sent him a few million dollars. Make of that what you will, but Diane Feinstein wants him pardoned.
Jon Harder defrauded people all across the country who were preparing for retirement, essentially stealing well over 100 million from them.

“I cannot retire...I’m turning 66. I don’t know how we’re going to survive. Jon has destroyed my family.”
In this case "non-violent offense" is used to hide the fact that he defrauded 1,400 Americans out of $300 million. Life savings, retirements...Poof. Gone. But Clark bought himself a literal goldmine with the money.
Harry Reid favor:
The Lil Wayne pardon:
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