Thread: E=mc^2 is the same thing as E=1/2mv^2?

The thread name needs work, but I love the ideas since it connects things I “heard of” in high school, but I didn’t learn it until after grad school, which felt like a travesty.

Prereqs: high school math + binomial theorem

So even starting middle school you might have heard stuff like E = mc^2, which was supposed to be famous. But in high school physics you learn things like E = mgh or E = 1/2mv^2. What’s up with that? Why doesn’t the former generalize anything in the latter?

Some of you are nodding. “Relativity,” sagely. That’s great. My brain stopped there and never went deeper until later on.

But yes, relativity; the actual equation is

E = mc^2 / \\sqrt(1 - v^2/c^2),

which when velocity is small basically gives E = mc^2. Now...

Here is where we can get some small mileage - we know v^2/c^2 is some small value x. What is 1/\\sqrt(1 - x) for small x? We can rewrite this as (1-x)^{-1/2}.

Here, the world (seemingly) splits into two. If you follow the Demon of Analysis, you should use Taylor expansion.

But I follow the Angel of Algebra, so I see the binomial theorem

(1-x)^k = 1 - (k choose 1) x + (k choose 2) x^2 - ...

Now it is weird to do (-1/2 choose 1), but usually (k choose 1) = k, right? So we squint our eyes (sorry that’s how math is done), and

(1-x)^{-1/2} ~ 1 + 1/2 x^2 + (smaller x)

So E = mc^2/(1-v^2/c^2)^{1/2} ~ mc^2 + 1/2 mv^2 (!) + (smol)

(and yes, whether you follow the Devil or the Angel, you get here since physics is Rome. Tribalism was so 2020)

How to interpret this?

The dominant term is that (when we sum over all particles in a system) the sum of the mc^2’s remain. Since c^2 is a constant, we get *conservation of mass*: the sum of the masses pretty much stays constant.

This also means mass isn’t *really* conserved! (esp. for high v’s)

The cool part is that the second order term is also pretty much conserved since in practice the m’s don’t change that much! This gives *conservation of kinetic energy,* which is the 1/2 mv^2 stuff we learned in physics class!

So we somehow got 2 classic “laws” at once!

It also explains the dodgy reason why conservation of kinetic energy is often “violated;” often there’s some other fast moving particles (with high temperature) that weren’t accounted for in your problem involving 2 colliding balls — your teacher said something about heat.

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