The activist, a young man named #Hafiz, had just been released from prison. Hizb detained him in Peshawar and an entire network of alleged spies soon began to unravel. The most prominent among them was #JanMohammed, a revered Muslim Youth member from Kunar.1/8
The #Hizb leadership had #JanMohammed arrested and interrogated. A board of judges was put in charge of the investigation. Its members included #Jalaluddin_Haqqani and #Nasrullah_Mansour, members of Hizb’s executive council.2/8
While they carried out their work, #JanMohammed was held in Pakistani custody and tortured into a lengthy confession taped across several audio cassettes. He admitted to #betraying Hizb and the Muslim Youth and warning the Daoud regime about the insurrection. 3/8
He also admitted to helping the Daoud regime arrest the former Muslim Youth leader Engineer Habib-ur-Rahman. #JanMohammed’s confession sent shockwaves through the Islamist ranks. As well as admitting to passing on intelligence to t Daoud regime, he named other co-conspirators.4/8
They included #Burhanuddin #Rabbani and a man who would go on to become Afghanistan’s most famous mujahideen commander and Hekmatyar’s biggest rival, #Ahmad_Shah_Massoud. Jan Mohammed was #executed for his role in the conspiracy. 5/8
#Massoud, who was living in #Peshawar at the time, narrowly managed to escape from a Hizb search party sent to detain him. #Rabbani also avoided questioning. #Engineer_Ayub was also in the list to be questioned, he escape as well. 6/8
Back in #Afghanistan, Hizb was again trying to step up its military activities and deployed an #assassination team to target its #communist and government opponents. In April 1978 a prominent communist, #Mir_Akbar_Khyber, was shot dead in Kabul. 7/8
Hekmatyar would later claim Hizb was behind the #assassination.
Friends of Khyber, meanwhile, suspected it was the result of internal communist feuding. The assassination would change the course of Afghan history. 8/8
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