"But what all should I learn?"

When you start on a learning path it gets overwhelming.

I have put together a thread of the basic tenets I follow when creating a roadmap.

Hope this helps 🙂 👇
Basics first

Focus on building basics. Basics go long term. They don't change every year.

Ex. HTML5, CSS, JS. The changes are incremental. Basics are same from 10-15 years.

Less magic.

When choosing between multiple frameworks, choose that does less so that you understand the basics more.

Ex. expressjs for server side. Simple yet powerful.

Concentrate on why more than how.

Understand why you're using something. More than the APIs concentrate on concepts.
APIs can be looked up online.

Contrary to our school edu, remembering doesn't win you points.

Industry veteran

Should be in the industry for the long term. Whatever is there from long will stay for long. New should be learned later.

Rule: >5 years

Ex. ReactJS has established itself in big and small companies and is here to stay. It's a safe bet.

Expand the surface area

Choose libraries or concepts which can be used across platforms.

Ex. Web and ReactJS can be used today to build mobile, desktop, web app and a whole lot of things. This ensures you will get an entry level job fast.

Habits die hard.

Follow best practices from the beginning to build the right foundation.

Simple things like naming, git commits, code structure, error handling etc goes long into your career.

Build these habits right, build them early.

Less is more.

Learn as little as possible.
Have a goal, say, I want to build a full stack app: learn only enough to build the first version.
Then iterate on features to learn more.

Don't try everything now. It gets overwhelming


A scientific method of learning. Where you learn what you need to build something.
Basically, calibrate your learning path to an output.

This process ensures better retention. If you haven't used what you learnt you'll forget it.

Get ready for interviews.

Interviews are a tad bit different than day to day programming. We can't change this fact.

Accept this and put some time aside to get ready for it too.

End. (for now, more to come soon..)
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